Bill Seeks to Increase Penalty for Damaging First Responder Vehicles

A bill pending action in the General Assembly proposes increasing the consequences for people who damage vehicles being used by first responders. State Rep. Bryan Shupe (R-Milford, Lincoln, Ellendale) is co-sponsoring House Bill 323, which was inspired by an incident involving a local fire company late last year. On the night of November 13, firefighters from six Delaware and Maryland …

Shupe pushes education transparency, safety

“If we expect positive changes in our education system, we have to have the tough, necessary conversations about where Delaware has failed students and how we can improve student outcomes together as communities. Those conversations start with Transparency, Safety, & Accountability.” HB 66 – Education Transparency, places data points including proficiency rates of all public schools on a single web …

Shupe bill would save 20% on school construction

A bill awaiting consideration in the House of Representatives could collectively save Delaware taxpayers tens of millions of dollars annually. House Bill 296, sponsored by State Rep. Bryan Shupe (R-Milford South), would allow school district and charter school officials to decide whether to pay ‘prevailing wage’ rates for school construction projects. The prevailing wage is the state-mandated minimum wage paid …