My husband and I moved to Milford 10 years ago and chose Milford because of the potential we felt it had for downtown. Over the years we have watched the revitalization of downtown Milford and we feel it has reach a pinnacle point of who will lead Milford going forward. We are both retired and strong proponents of young talent that will lead Milford into the future.
For that reason, we are voting for Bryan Shupe. We have gotten to know Bryan over the past few years and have seen his leadership and knowledge of Milford. Being on City Council for the past year has given Bryan the ability to be in a position to be a transformational leader immediately and not need that period of ‘coming up to speed’. Bryan is an active citizen in Milford and owns two businesses in Milford. He is a strong proponent of bringing back young Milford residents and helping them find a future in Milford. Bryan’s vision of pursuing economic development to bring industries and businesses that support and create middle class jobs, is the road that Milford needs to revitalize, renew and create a better Milford than what we have today.
We hope you will consider Bryan as Mayor and cast your vote for him on April 26th.
Peggy and Jim Reilly