The latest newsletter from the Mayor’s office. Hope you have a Happy New Year ! Please do not hesitate to share your ideas with us. I commit to the residents of our city that my office and mind will always remain open.–Welcoming-2015—City-of-Milford-Update-.html?soid=1115603422252&aid=NZleyR7vQvM.
As we look forward to 2015, I encourage our residents to stay in constant communication with their elected officials and City Hall. A list of Milford City Council members and their contact information can be found at and contact information for all City resources including my office can be found at If unsure about what department or individual can assist with a specific concern, individuals can also call City Hall at 302-424-3712. Remember that we are here not only to help with your concerns but to listen to your ideas of how we continue to Move Milford Forward.