Thank you to all of the residents that took their time to answer one of the three Economic Recovery surveys that our team shared on social media on May 1, 2020. The surveys were available for the public to participate until June 15, 2020. I am grateful for the time spent by responders to articulate their thoughts, concerns, and ideas into this open-ended survey so that as your State Representative I can serve within our communities in addition to being your voice in the General Assembly.
The results below are responses grouped into recurring themes from survey takers but do not reflect the true diversity or depth of the comments we received. Since so many residents including personal stories and information inside their responses to the questions, our team decided not to share the open-ended comments.
I have enjoyed reading every single comment and personally meeting many of you that gave us permission to contact you directly. Overall this experience has reminded me that community-driven solutions to our challenges can strengthen our communities. Thank to all of the residents that allowed me to look at this evolving economic recovery from a multitude of different levels.
State Representative Bryan Shupe
Click Here to see EconRecoverySurveys Results.