Absentee voting for any reason through election integrity

How we get there… HB 361, 362 will meet Challenges to Absentee Voting As a small business owner, former Mayor of Milford and a community servant I have been blessed with mentors that have taught me that progress always includes the mindset that when something is stagnant, adaptation is necessary. The first step is to have a street-level dialogue with …

Rep. Shupe renewing push for passage of Del. water quality bill

47 ABC, March 2, 2022  Hannah Cechini DELAWARE – Representative Bryan Shupe is urging his fellow lawmakers to take action on a water quality bill. “The goal of HB 69 is to help underserved communities in the state of Delaware. A lot of them are not hooked up to, or close enough to be hooked up to, the larger infrastructure systems …

Bill to eliminate double voter registration seeks Senate path

It was House Bill 146 sponsored by 36th District Representative Bryan Shupe that went through the steps to be heard on the house floor but it never did. The goal was to make voter registration more efficient, allowing people to sign up once for general and municipal elections. “It’s also a problem in 45 of the 57 municipalities throughout Delaware …

Building back public trust

Questioning the generally accepted experience of the day has been prevalent since the inception of our nation. The ideas of freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom to assemble have allowed the march of time to serve in a positive direction when we gracefully seek the responsibility through enlightenment and understanding.  Our greatest advances, innovations and achievements as …

Accountability, transparency reform is needed to rebuild public trust

By State Rep. Bryan Shupe The debate over whether indicted State Auditor Kathleen McGuiness should resign or take a leave of absence from her post highlights a larger systematic failure on the issue of government accountability and transparency in Delaware.   Over the last 18 months, we have seen five Delaware elected officials accused of misconduct.  While every citizen should …

New Law to Provide Alternatives for Non-College Bound Students

A bill sponsored by State Sen. Brian Pettyjohn and State Rep. Bryan Shupe will soon provide help for recent high school graduates seeking an alternative to college. Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 65 establishes the Focus on Alternative Skills Training Program (“FAST”). FAST will provide tuition assistance to Delaware residents who have obtained a high school diploma, Diploma of …

New initiative to increase availability of medical professionals

A new bipartisan bill signed into law yesterday (8/9) will help attract needed medical professionals to The First State. The measure (House Bill 48, as amended) establishes the Health Care Provider Loan Repayment Program, which will award grants to qualifying clinicians of up to $50,000 annually.  Total payments to any one recipient would max out at $200,000. The program is …

Drawing the lines: Delaware redistricting process awaits 2020 census numbers

Thank you Glenn Rolfe of the Delaware State News for sharing the upcoming redistricting process“Through potential legislation, Rep. Shupe said he is leading an effort that would vastly change Delaware’s redistricting process. “This has been a point of contention that I tried to bring up in the past. I’m actually drafting a piece of legislation right now with the Department …

Transparency is necessary for good policy

Thank you Sarah Gamard of Delaware Online for once again pushing the debate on government transparency to the forefront in Delaware. https://www.delawareonline.com/story/news/politics/2021/07/12/delaware-government-livestream-video-general-assembly/7872455002/ “The only way to protect those measures that are in place is to have it in writing,” Shupe said. “It will be good for people to see what’s going on, some of the political games that are being …

Community priorities see major legislative wins

At the beginning of this legislative year, I sent out a letter to the community regarding my 2021 legislative priorities These initiatives came directly from the residents of our district as they shared their ideas with me through community meetings, emails, and personal conversations regarding their concerns and hopes for the future of Delaware. They included Healthcare Opportunity Expansion & …