Posted: Mar 08, 2017 10:52 PM EST
Updated: Mar 08, 2017 10:52 PM EST
With The new Bayhealth Medical Center in Milford currently under construction, there have been questions as to what would happen to Bayhealth’s current Milford Memorial hospital on Clarke avenue
Those questions were answered Tuesday when Bayhealth President and CE0 Terry Murphy announced that the company would be selling the property to Nationwide Healthcare Services. “It’s a really big deal”, says Murphy. “We worked very hard over the past two years to find a partner. We think Nationwide Healthcare is an excellent partner that is going to provide great services.”
It’s welcome news for the Milford community as Nationwide Healthcare plans on re-purposing Milford Memorial with skilled nursing care, senior housing, assisted living and other health related services. Nationwide CEO Meir Gelley is excited about coming to the Milford area. “We feel like we will be able to do so much for this community. And save this building from closure, which nobody wants and we’ll be so complimentary to the hospital and the community.”
WBOC-TV 16, Delmarvas News Leader, FOX 21 –
An added bonus is that the new business is expected to bring with it hundreds of full time jobs according to Milford town Mayor Bryan Shupe. “The 300-plus full time jobs near the downtown area will be huge for the city of Milford. That will be a large employer for us, and of course, that will drive other investors for economic development as well.”
Bayhealth’s Murphy agrees saying, “To be able to find the right partner, and make the deal happen, we’re just very pleased and pleased for the city of Milford.